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What Kinds Of Records Do You Need To Support A Claim?

There is no limitation on what type of evidence you can present. If there is an issue of IQ they will get school records or try to get employment records. An example of this is is a lady is missing a lot of work to show that she went out on FMLA leave and it is to show that she tried to work but had a number of absences and tried to work through issues before having to give up. To get a parking permit you have to have a document that shows you can not walk a long distance. Some cases you get court record to show the root of problems. These are just some examples of records the attorneys can get to show disability. If someone is on long term disability they have to have a form that is signed by the physician stating that they cant work. We try to get these files to submit the forms and this is just another way to prove that you can not work.

Andrew Magruder and Les Wilkinson are experienced disability attorneys in the Central Savannah River Area who help with Social Security disability claims in Georgia and South Carolina. Our practice areas include social security disability, veteran’s disability claims, Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Claims, and long term disability claims.

With over 55 years of combined experience, Wilkinson & Magruder can handle all stages of your social security disability claim. We are located in Augusta at 12 George C. Wilson Court. Call us today at (706) 737-0771.